
One Response to “Sonnenuntergang”

  • poni ente:

    hallo mannschaft!!
    wouw ich bin beeindruckt, ihr seid ja voll super, schon soooo weit, ich sehe
    , dass ihr es nicht lange an land ausgehalten habt und schon wieder auf kurs seid, dass macht eine echte seemannschaft aus, macht euch nichts aus den landratten, wollt wieder raus auf die see, auf zum grossen abenteurer…..

    ich darf emerson, lake and palmer aus ihrem lied PIRATES zitieren!!!

    “Who’ll make his mark”, the captain cried.
    “To the devil drink a toast.
    We’ll glut the hold with cups of gold
    And we’ll feed the sea with ghosts
    I see your hunger for a fortune
    Could be better served beneath my flag
    If you’ve the stomach for a broadside
    Come aboard my pretty boys
    I will take you and make you
    Everything you’ve ever dreamed.”

    Six days off the Cuban coast when a sail ahead the spied
    “A galleon of the treasure fleet,’ the mizzen lookout cried
    “Closer to the wind my boys,” the mad-eyed captain roared
    “For every man that’s alive tonight will be hauling gold aboard.”
    “Spare us,” the galleon begged but mercy’s face had fled
    Blood ran from the sreaming souls the cutlass harvested
    Driven to the quarter deck the last survivor fell
    “She’s ours my boys,” the Captain grinned “and no one left to tell.”

    Anchored in an indigo moonlit bay
    Gold-eyed roun fires the sea thieves lay
    Morning… white shells and a pipe of clay
    As the wind filled their footsteps
    They were far… far… away.

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